Elevate Yourself to International Standard
Train Hard
Academia judges you by your writing elegance rather than analytical capability

Scientific Content
Its very challenging for any writer to convey the scientific ideas to public in a clear, concise and coherent manner.

What will you learn?
Aggregate the facts and mind map them in to your own ideas, will enable you to write plagiarism free breezy articles.
Summer Internship
SCISOC trains post-graduate students in various techniques and tools that allows students to gain valuable hands-on experience in an research environment.
At SCISOC, we impart our interns with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their research domain. Our program motivates young researchers towards societal benefiting research areas and expands their horizons.

At SCISOC we work on various interesting problems which torment the medical community. Our approach is to ask question to understand than rather than giving plausible explanation.

Challenge the wisdom
Highlight the lack of understanding

Support Services
Making a Difference

Education & Outreach
Educate the patient with current knowledge and enable them to make informed choice